About Cell

Vidhushi Gargi Center for Woment Development at Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is constituted to extent a congenial environment to contribute in inclusive growth of all, particularly women in and around the ambit of the academia. The center aims to give safe, secure environment and empower women through knowledge sharing, training and aptitute building exercises and programmes.

This includes improving women’s sense of self-worth, making women aware of their right to have and to determine choices, their right to have access to opportunities and resources, their right to have power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally. Center for women development shall create opportunities and environments to facilitate women to reach to the peak of their naturally endowed potential, and therby enriching organizational and social life.

Objectives :

1) To offer and cultivate a dignified, congenial working environment for women employes (including teaching, non-teaching and contractual staff) and students, where they can recognise and realize their potential to the fullest.

2) To make women aware of their social, econonomic and legal rights and thus empower them to stand against any discrimination.

3) To develop skills and incubate leadership quality in women leading to a fulfilling lives.

4) To organize activities and programme to achieve the above mentioned objectives.

5) To collaborate with organizations to achive the goals and organise activities.

6) To act as a forum for information sharing and exchange of ideas to strengthen women empowerment.

Who can approach the WDC:

Any employee including teaching faculty, administrative staff, contractual staff and students, of Gujarat Technological University can approach the Women Devlopment Cell .

Functions :

1) Organizing workshops and seminars that will result in women empowerment..

2) Collaborate with various organizations which are actively working for women development.

3) Spreading awareness about issues affecting women like health, livelihood, safety etc.

4) Organising various activities such as Workshops / seminars / awareness camps/ Debate/ Essay writing/ Posters etc. on issues like:

• Personlity development

• Women health

• Legal literacy

• Financial literacy

• Computer training

• Leadership

• Entrepreneurship development

Committee of Center for Women Development :

WDC Committee -2024 (Revised)

WDC Committee -2021 (Revised)

WDC Committee-2021

WDC Committee-2019

WDC Committee-2018

WDC Committee-2014

WDC Committee-2011

Initiative by Vidushi Gargi Center for Women Development :

“SAMVAD – Center for Happiness”

Annual Genger Sensitization Action Plan

Gujarat Technological University
Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan A.Y. 2021-22
Sr. No. Title of the Program Month Coordinator Co-coordinator
1 Technology and Gender Issues Mar-22 Dr. Komal Borisagar WDC Team
2 Role of women in economy and development of country July-22 Shweta Bambuwala Ms. Bhagyashri Vyas, Ms.Hemlata Verma
3 Gender related issues,Humans rights and laws August-22 Ms. Hemlata Verma Shweta Bambuwala, Ms.Bhagyashri Vyas
4 Role of education to attain gender equity September-22 Ms. Jignasha Acharya Ms. Pinky Panchal
5 Democracy and gender equality April-22 Ms. Pinky Panchal Ms. Jignasha Acharya
6 Challenges of Women in work place February-22 Ms.Jennifer Solanki Ms.Bhumika Maheriya
7 Women Health Check up and Awarness Camp December-22 Ms.Bhumika Maheriya Ms.Jennifer Solanki
8 Self Defense Training January-22 Dr. Seema Joshi Ms.Neha Gameti
9 Digital and Cyber Security Awareness for Women November-22 Ms.Neha Gameti Dr.Seema Joshi
10 Why men should support gender equality? October-22 Dr. Komal Borisagar WDC Team

Various event organized

Sr. No. Name of Event Date Report
01 WDC Report on Viksit Bharat @2047 – Participation of Women in Research and Innovation. 10.03.2025 CLICK HERE
02 WDC Report on International Women's Day Celebration With Ms. Kaajal Oza Vaidya. 10.03.2025 CLICK HERE
03 WDC-Report on Cancer Screening Guidelines with Dr. Rohini Patel 30.01.2025 CLICK HERE
04 WDC-Report_Panel Discussion on Work-Life Balance for Women-19-10-2024 19.10.2024 CLICK HERE
05 WDC Report for Dr_Desai_Health_Event-30-7-2024 30.07.2024 CLICK HERE
06 WDC Report for Chandkheda-PS-Event-20-7-2024 20.07.2024 CLICK HERE
07 WDC Report - Cyber Event 22.03.2024 CLICK HERE
08 WDC Report for International women's day 04.03.2024 CLICK HERE
09 Visit of GGI Cantonment School as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 03-02-2024 03.02.2024 CLICK HERE
10 Visit of Vasna Municipal School as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 02-02-2024 02.02.2024 CLICK HERE
11 Visit of Ellisbridge 7 Primary School (AMC) as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 01-02-2024 01.02.2024 CLICK HERE
12 Visit of Vasna Municipal School as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 01-02-2024 01.02.2024 CLICK HERE
13 Visit of Kathwada Primary School as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 23-01-2024 23.01.2024 CLICK HERE
14 Visit of Ellisbridge Primary School (AMC) as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 19-01-2024 19.01.2024 CLICK HERE
15 Visit of Vasna Municipal School as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 19-01-2024 19.01.2024 CLICK HERE
16 Visit of Vasna Municipal School as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 18-01-2024 18.01.2024 CLICK HERE
17 Visit of Ellisbridge 7 Primary School (AMC) as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 18-01-2024 18.01.2024 CLICK HERE
18 Visit of Ellisbridge 7 Primary School (AMC) as a knowledge partner with Wajra O Force 16-01-2024 16.01.2024 CLICK HERE
19 REPORT-WDC EVENT-22.09.2023 13.03.2023 CLICK HERE
20 Role of Women in Cooperative and Entrepreneurship 13.03.2023 CLICK HERE
21 International Women’s Day celebration 2023 06.03.2023 CLICK HERE
22 Basic Training on “Self-Defence for Women 08.03.2022 CLICK HERE
23 International Women’s Day celebration 2022 08.03.2022 CLICK HERE
24 International Women’s Day celebration 2022 08.03.2022 CLICK HERE
25 Health Check Up Camp for women 30.12.2021 CLICK HERE
26 Legal Awareness for Women – One Day Workshop 28.10.2021 CLICK HERE
27 Balancing Personal & Professional Life 14.10.2021 CLICK HERE
28 Women Entrepreneurs: Contributors of Atmnanirbhar Bharat 08.03.2021 CLICK HERE
29 Empowering Women through Fitness: Urge of Fit India 05.03.2020 CLICK HERE
30 International Women's Day celebration 2019 - Event on Women:Champions of Change 07.03.2019 CLICK HERE
31 Inauguration of Sakhi Salah Kendra - A counselling Centre for
Women at Government Polytechnic for Girls,Ahmedabad
26.11.2018 CLICK HERE
31 Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place – seminar atGovernment Polytechnic, Rajkot. 21.08.2018 CLICK HERE
33 Session on life of Sister Nivedita. 19.05.2018 CLICK HERE
34 Women Development: Challenges And Opportunities 08.03.2018 CLICK HERE
35 WDC at Convocation- January, 2014 14.01.2014 CLICK HERE
36 Sensitize the Management and Teachers of Technical Institutes to tackle the Menace of Sexual Crime against 21.12.2013 CLICK HERE
37 Protection Of Women Against Social Evils on “TAEKWONDO”, the Korean martial 09.03.2012 CLICK HERE
38 Self Defense Program for Women 13.09.2014 CLICK HERE


Sr. No Particular
1 WDC: To submit Action taken report and form separate cell for gender related issues
2 Observance of International Women's Day
3 Regarding Activation of Women Development Cell of Affiliated Colleges
4 Vidushee Gargi Centre for Women Development-GTU, in association with Stree Chetna (Affiliated to Bharatiya Stree Shakti) invites videos on “Mujhe Kuch kehna hai”
5 Participation of Institutes and Students in Garima Project Survey of Mahila Cell, CID Crime, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
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